Sunday, October 30, 2011

DotA 6.72f AI "Nightmare" Map Download

DotA v6.72f AI Map "Nightmare" by PBMN/Cloud_Str

1. -cm (Captains Mode) ported and ENABLED.
2. AI will ban/pick along with humans in -cm mode.
3. Hero class system. Now AI choose heroes more strategically
4. All heroes now have complete AI.
5. Added gank system. aiWarBalance system now implemented
6. New AI auto-lane balance
7. New AI auto-Roshan system.
8. Added AI message system. Disable with command -aimsg during the game.
9. Added AI report-missing heroes system. Disable with command -aimsgmiss during the game.
10. Completely rewritten defense system, lvl. 1&2 tower defense system.
11. Improved AI assist system, now allows AI across the map to assist allies in battle.
12. AI now using Glyph of Fortification. If a human leader is present, AI will remind humans instead. Enable/disable auto-glyph by allies with the command -aiglyph during the game.
13. Added AI Board to show what AI is doing. Disable/enable using -aiboard.
14. Rebalanced -dynamicexp and -dynamicgold.
- AI now gets 25% bonus exp/2 gold rate per death, and loses 50% of the bonus on kill (25% on assist).
- AI will automatically get a death bonus if he has no death/kill/assist in 3 minutes (starting at 5 mins mark).
- -DE/-DG is now compatible with any exp/gold mode.
- AI bonus exp/gold in multiboard are now toggle-able by -aidynamic.
15. New "mode-pack":
-beginnermode (-bm) = -neng
-advancedmode (-am) = -nengdedg
-xtrememode (-xm) = -hehgdedg
16. Changed AI naming rule, now using HeroProperName instead. -> shorter name, better view on multiboard.
17. Fixed Kaldr's not recognizing IceBlast order (852662) when there are other heroes with same order. IceBlast hack removed.
18. Flack Cannon rewritten again.
19. Nevermore Requiem of Souls fix for Human and AI players.
20. Some corrections to Walrus Punch
21. Fixes to Gondar`s WindWalk.
22. Gondar`s Jinada rewritten.
- Fixed Gondar's Jinada not working properly if the cooldown is finished in the middle of WW.
- Fixed Gondar's Jinada not working properly if the cooldown is finished in the middle of an attack.
23. Added some names in -coolnames list.
24. -cgl and -cgr now forces the AI to change lane (no "too far")
25. Tweaked Familiar AI: worked since being summoned, won't target anything other than hero and jungle creeps to save the 7-hit hero-damage bonus, stun is managed between the two familiars, tweaked the summoning requirement (summon when both are dead or both are in stone form)
26. Tweaked Yurnero's Healing Ward, its AI now only a single line without trigger, it'll consistently follow the hero.
27. Tweaked Familiars' responses near tower.
28. Minor fix to Krobelus' Exorcism
29. Fixed: Pandaren's Earth Panda not running away on Pandaren's low health
30. Fixed AI Hero inconsistencies when running away on low health.
31. Fixed: Rubick's spellsteal stealing AI's town portal.
32. Fixed: several AI doesn't learn attribute bonus: Visage, Dirge, KotL, Phoenix, etc.
33. Added AI specific timer for gem.
34. NEW AI: Rubick
35. Now gem costs gold (700).
36. Sentry now has gold check (200), but doesn't actually cost gold on buy. IMHO, at the very least, AI don't get raped by invisible heroes.
37. -cgm/l/r tweak: allow change lane from faraway lane, fixed response problem.
38. Scroll of town portal routine tweak: allow Furion to use Teleportation instead, added polar projection function (AI will teleport behind the target), added cooldown.
39. AI no longer denies raxes and super-towers if no nearby enemy heroes present (not fully tested).
40. -ogl/r/m tweak completed.
"Too far" heroes used teleportation to get to designated lane.
If teleportation is not available, the hero will go mid instead and a hero from mid will go to designated lane.
41. Added -cneu (same function as -cneut)
42. Added a filter check for channeling skills during important and key AI decisions...
43. Complete tweaking on AI commands (incomplete test): -oa / -od / -osd / -oroshan now give per-unit response, allow channeling heroes to accept commands, cosmetic tweak on responses, enabling "0" to be typed on AI command to represent player 10, enabling -ob / -of to be used without parameter (represent all allies), allow -ot to use "a" (or "x") as allied player ID to represent the whole team.
44. Fixed problems with Nature Attendants and Scarabs. Nature Attendants' animation fixed
45. Bugfix on Krobelus' Exorcism function (was a possibility to trigger overtrigger)
46. Item CACHE system completed.
47. Item cache system tweak: added condition to force AI to take the cached items once: 1) 3 items are in cache, or 2) total items cached cost >2000
48. AI Buy routine tweak:
- put a check to prevent AI from dropping "free" RoR or Salve
- added gem/ward buying announcement
- limited the ward charges, now AI will only buy when remaining charges is less than 2.
49. Fixed (?): AI Buy routine bug, sometimes item doesn't add properly.
50. Fixed: AI TP doesn't cooldown properly.
51. Fixed: AI movement go back and forth if fail to go back to base (e.g. fail to teleport)
52. Return AI's Boot of Speed on TP failure, lower CD by 3 sec, added mana check
53. Added tango and sentry ward as substitutable items for TP, remodelled the function to allow easier substitute.
54. Tweaked the item caching, now completely support Syllabear.
55. DEPRECATED the AI buyback code, now simulating a true buyback (with cooldown).
56. Reverted all Kaldr's IceBlast hack. (and replaced them with a more "hacking" hack for the Blast to trigger ). Now Kaldr use proper Ice Blast.
57. Added additional effects to mark AoE of IceBlast, visible to allies only, as in Dota 2.
58. Changes to SunStrike and IceBlast Aiming.
59. A little tweak to Invoker`s GhostWalk breaking.
60. New defense system with improved calculation (for debugging purpose we can still see the AI's defending response)
61. New hero choosing system (class system implemented: Str Tanker / Str-Agi Battle / Agi DPS / Int Support / Int Nuke. AI will choose 1 from each class, including humans' heroes in the calculation)
62. Fixed AI's item bug when AI died before the whole item routine completed.
63. Fixed AI's hero spawn position.
64. Modified the AI -repick (now using IF's code)
65. Projectile aiming rewritten.
66. Added "report missed hero" system. (current delay to report: 30 sec)
67. Tweaked AI ChangeLane algorithm (incomplete), now AI should change lane when not visible and from a better point.
68. Fixed Pit Lord's Rain of Fire only calling 1 wave.
69. Removed all AI movement on start of game (now AI stay still in their creation point, to mimic humans)
70. -airepick now based on hero class unless 20 tries are unable to find hero of same class.
71. Removed Player ID from -cn
72. MeatHook dodge changed. No -ld in it, but reaction time 0.2s.
73. Impale dodge changed. (?)
74. Added aiAbilities system, which is a predefined integers saved in hashtable for use with abilities cooldown, manacost, range, and AoE
75. Tweaked movement in AI defense, movement on AI encounter with stronger force.
76. Added new eyecandy on AI commands.
77. Added command:
-aimsg = toggle on/off the AI messaging system
-aimsgmiss = toggle on/off the AI report missing system
78. Removed debug AI message for defense system
79. Automatically disables AI report missing system after all enemy heroes reached lv11
80. Added teleport function to defend lv2 towers.
81. Minor tweak on AI command -ct and -cg.
82. Tweaked AI teleporting on tower defense, AI gank system.
83. Fixed recent bug on -ct response.
84. Fixed problems with Exorcism and Attendants (again, but now working better).
85. Fixed problems with human war-balance register.
86. Fixed item build for Sacred Warrior, Axe, Shadow Fiend.
87. Note about AI itembuild error:
- AI will sometimes store some items in memory (called "buffered items"), to make room for any added new items. After the routines, most of the times the items are returned.
- Up till now, these items are the one creating error messages for Huskar, Axe, and Nevermore, as these heroes have buggy build which doesn't allow the buffered items to return (full inventory).
- The current error report will show which items are on error: CORE or BUFFER. BUFFER error is and will be handled by selling the items. However, BUFFER error MUST not disturb AI normal build.
88. Added AI Board feature, allowing to see what an AI is doing. Turn on/off with -aiboard.
89. Major tweak to defense system.
90. Increased AI support on attacked heroes, now working globally (use TP/travel, Teleportation, and Haunt-Reality)
91. Known problem: missing AI (suspected from failed custom revive. Currently disabled.)
92. Known problem: AI defense not ended for longer time than expected.
93. Disabled AI Creep Deny in presence of enemy tower.
94. Disabled AI for Rexxar's Hawk until better AI is developed (reason: it's a free gold....)
95. Tweaked AI changing lane system to use ganking waypoints, nothing actually differs. However, this is a requirement for....
- Added "gank cancel" routine on contact with stronger force.
96. AI now uses Glyph of Fortification.
97. Fixed melee AI still lasthitting in presence of tower, added better calculation.
98. Minor tweak to AI pings, now resembles humans'.
99. Tweak to function GetUnitEHP, now using better calculation.
100. Fixed several miscalculated arrays to conform RGB's and several tweaks.
101. Fixed AI using targetted items on creep.
102. Minor tweak on gank (increases allies' support).
103. Minor tweak on AI behaviour and AI assisting.
104. Full support for cooldown system and ability data, including Aghanim's skills and "growing skills" like Krobelus' and Magi's.
105. Major tweak on item system. Now itembuild should not have problem anymore.
106. Added -aiglyph (toggle the AI autoglyph. Will remind players instead if turned off and glyph is required on a faction with AI)
107. Fixed AI Actions board from colliding with -ii
108. Fixed disconnecting bug on multiplayer.
109. Fixed AI not going solo.
110. Rewrote lvl 1 and lvl 2 tower defense mech.
111. Fixed defense mech and ganking mech on observer mode.
112. Added auto-lane distribution system.
113. Minor tweak to Luna's AI.
114. Ported -de/-dg
- adjusted AI exp and gold bonus to 6.71b
- modified -dg bonus gold to be given partially along with normal gold income
- modified -de/-dg display in multiboard (now displayed in "AI Actions" column if AI board is enabled (-aiboard) and -aishowde/-aishowdg/-aishowdedg/-aishowdynamic is used. It`s available in observer mode by default.
- added color theme to -de/-dg display.
115. Changed Pudge's itembuild.
116. Fixed AI keep "pausing" when owning Magic Wand and is not in full life.
117. Several minor tweaks on AI behaviour... too many to log.
118. Fixed bug on itembuy system where a hero's build cannot continue and is continuously patrolling to base.
Note: some problems with itembuild still exist to fix later.
119. Fixed bug on gank cancel, gank change target.
120. Fixed AI for Naga Siren and Terrorblade. Added refresher's script to Warlock.
121. Fixed major bug which prevent AI's auto-lane balance from working.
122. Fixed minor bug with changing lane from near base.
123. Fixed major (but rare) bug with ganking.
124. Fixed AI strange behavior caused by Wand. Allowed AI to use Stick on same logic.
125. Added AI message on retreat and jungling.
126. Added -am (advancedmode) and -bm (beginnermode), representing NENG and HEHGDEDG respectively.
127. Added AI command "citemfix <ID>" to fix an AI unexpected broken item build. (not yet ready... just for future Rev use)
128. Fixing several itembuilds (not finished yet)
129. Minor tweak to laning system.
130. Added Spellsteal AI (imperfect, but is nice enough for now).
131. Modified Rubick's itembuild to use skadi instead of aghanim.
132. Fixed hero AI for the following:
- Rooftellen (leech seed)
- Magnus (skewer)
- Alchemist (unstable concoction)
- Jah'rakal (most of his AI)

133. Improved hero AI for the following:
- Rubick (enable delayed spellsteal)
- CM (animation cancel for all spells)
- Terrorblade (changed skillbuild)
134. Lowered defense threshold for low-level towers.
135. Fixed various bugs in tower defense and tank system.
136. Added special column for DE/DG board.
137. Minor tweak to various hero AI.
138. Fixed the following heroes' AI:
- Magnus (Reverse Polarity, skill build)
- Slardar (Slithereen Crush)
139. NEW AI: Storm Spirit (everything + AI skill fix)
140. Improved the following heroes' AI:
- Troll Warlord (now using ranged as base form)
141. Fixed bug on multi-triggered Storm's Overload.
142. Fixed several bugs in laning and teleporting.
143. ADDDED NEW SYSTEM to chase enemy in fog even better.
144. Fixed major bug on laning system
145. Improved the following AI:
- Slithereen Guard (early Amplify)
- Magnus (working Reverse)
146. Fixed the following AI:
- Dirge (complete overwrite)
- Terrorblade (better Sunder, not perfect yet)
147. NEW AI: Admiral (didn't have AI before)
148. Fixed the following AI:
- Undying (skillbuild & spell usage)
- Soul Keeper (far better Sunder use)
- Pit Lord (Rain of Fire should not cancel anymore)
- Slithereen Guard (better use of Amplify)
149. Nightcrawler (Pounce AI).
150. Fixed AI for following:
- Terrorblade (Sunder condition)
- Admiral (Ship use, X-Torrent combo, spamming Tidebringer)
- Dirge (fixed using Decay on allies)
160. Fixed bug on AI wrong "war mode"
161. Fixed bug on enemy AI message occasionally appeared.
162. Major fix on AI item system.
163. NEW heroes AI:
- Alleria (new)
- Clockwerk (new)
164. Fixed Kunkka`s ship usage.
165. Fixed bug in item system regarding quelling blade on melee-ranged hybrid heroes.
166. Fixed bug + improved assist system + Various minor all around tweaks
167. Fixed the heroes AI:
- Clockwerk (added extra mana and warbalance condition to Cog)
168. Fixed bug on Tp from air system.
- Improved the following heroes AI:
169. Techies (better mine usage and battle mode).
170. Tauren skills (tweaked)
171. Clockwerk (can break free from cog).
172. Nerfed the following hero AI:
- Windrunner (now cannot aim shackle on invisible heroes)
173. Fixed bug in AI doesn't destroy gem properly. Divine Rapier is now actually destroyed instead of script removal + many minor tweaks.
174. NEW AI for the following:
- Gyrocopter (new)
- Shadow Demon (new)
- Batrider (new)
- Guardian Wisp (new)
175. Fixed AI for the following:
- Ancient Appariton (Ice Blast)
- Techies (better mine usage)
176. Fixed bug of heroes unable to last-hit/deny.
177. Fixed bug of AI trying to bypass towers and get patrolling instead.
178. AI can now pick Gem (tested) and Divine Rapier (not tested).
179. abilitydata.slk 2 new custom abilities fixing impossible AI skill usage:
- CF01 (Troll Warlord Ranged Whirling Axes)
- CF02 (Batrider Firebreak)
180. AI can now Roshaning and picking Aegis correctly. Cheese will be destroyed if not picked.
181. Divine Rapier can now be destroyed properly by AI.
182. Fixed bug with Overpower.
183. Fixed Lanaya not using Refraction.
184. Improved AI for the following:
- Techies (no mine in forest/runespoot)
- Gyro (no longer spamming Call Down)
185. Attempted to fix AI sentry ward glitch + Minor tweaks in various parts.
186. Fixed AI for the following:
- Naix Infest
- Naga - Ensnare, Song of Siren, Critical Strike replaced with Rip Tide
- Chen`s Holy Persuasion new id
- Pit Lord - Firestorm
- Troll - Blind replaced with Whirling Axe
- Ursa Warrior - Overpower new abID
- Requiem of Souls: A29J
- Slithereen Crush: A29K
- Reverse Polarity: A29L
- Beastmaster got Agha upgrade + new abilityid
- Dark Seer Wall of Replica Agha upgrade
- Pit Lord - Expulsion
- Terrorblade - Meta morphosis , new passive (new skills build)
- Tidehunter - Anchor Smash reworked
- Thundergod's Wrath: A29G
- Thundergod's Wrath Aghanim: A29H
- Ravage: A29I
No problem skills:
- Spirit Breaker - CoD
- Phoenix - birds
187. Improved the following AI:
- Techies (fixing mine position in top-left and bottom-right corner, fixing lane-disruption)
- Tidehunter (using Anchor for creeping)
- Ancient Appariton (IceBlast)
- Gyrocopter (Call Down)
- Zeus (Thundergod's) is now used to prioritize low-life target
- Phantom Assassin (now can Phantom Strike further target on escape)
- Guardian Wisp (Tether on escape)
- Faerie Dragon (Phase Shift is now script controlled)
- Batrider (Firebreak now will be used eventhough the direct hit is not achievable)
- Batrider, Windrunner, Priestess (using Pudge's side-dance, are not guaranteed to work)
- Priestess, Pudge (using Sebra's aiming func for arrow/hook)
188. Fixed the following AI:
- Prophet (now should use Wrath, prioritizing low-life hero)
- Sand King (now using Sand Storm properly)
- Shadow Demon (Shadow Poison)
189. Rubick (Spellsteal no longer intercept EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT)
190. Keeper of the Light (major rewrite)
191. Fixed Techies remote mine not detonating, allowed 2 remote to detonate against creeps.
192. Force-fixed the spell-against-dead bug.
193. Tweaked -DE -DG, now heroes without kill/death/assist will automatically get bonus in 3 mins.
194. Attempt to fix AI laning bug by rewriting priority timer.
195. Attempt to fix AI casting spells on dead units.
196. Tweaked exp/gold gamemodes
197. DE/DG now compatible with HE/HG/NE/NG
198. Added new modes:
-bm (beginner mode) for neng
-am (advanced mode) for nengdedg
-xm (xtreme mode) for hehgdedg
199. Tweaked the DE/DG number.
200. DE/DG is disabled by default.
201. Added support for NT/NM/NB for laning system.
202. Added bug-fix addition to AI Board of dead heroes counted as alive.
203. Removed AI Bad Hero filter. (PBMN> may be added in later Rev for filtering the really bad AIs)
204. Various and countless tweaks in AI behavior which didn`t get logged in the coding process.

Mafia Wars 2: Crafting and How to Upgrade Game Items Guide

?Back to Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Unlock the Crafting Workshop and Parts Factory by completing certain story line
missions. Crafting is a very powerful game feature in Mafia Wars 2 if you can manipulate it to
your own advantage. refer here to learn how to craft game items and even upgrade weapons and armors!


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Mafia Wars 2 - Zynga's Online Game

Online Game: Mafia Wars 2
- Publisher: Zynga
- Google+ Game Application
- Virtual World-Simulation / Role
Playing Game / Online Browser Based Social Game

Refer below to learn more about Mafia Wars 2's Gameplay and Battle Play Features.

- Click Link Below to Play Now! -

Play Mafia Wars 2 on Facebook (App Closed!)
Play Mafia Wars 2 on Google+

Browse Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips,

Friday, October 28, 2011

Mafia Wars 2 Collections Guide

?Back to Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Refer here to learn how to complete your collections and get some free game items and
power-ups! Refer to the screenshot below to locate where to start and view some available sets of collections. Go to your inventory the collection tab to trade your hard earned items!


Monster Galaxy: How to Capture Powerbear

?Back to Monster Galaxy FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Powerbear is a limited Moga that you can only capture in Monster Galaxy during or after
Halloween Event (November). Around this time, you will automatically encounter Fredric with his cool looking Moga when you enter the game.


- How to Capture Powerbear-

Tamer! Fredric requires

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mafia Wars 2: Boss Fight and Arena Battle Guide

?Back to Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Refer to this guide to learn how to manipulate your character around different kinds of
enemies while learning some cool information about your opponents then turning them all into your advantage. Show your enemies that you are a force to be reckoned with!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Mafia Wars 2: Enemy Nearby! Solution

?Back to Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Can't complete missions because of the "Enemy Nearby!" notification? Read more here to
learn how to solve this issue! This is not a Mafia Wars 2 game bug but they can be annoying sometimes because they can take away some energy from you.


- Enemy Nearby! -

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Mafia Wars 2: How to Upgrade Buildings

?Back to Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Having trouble upgrading your buildings? Here is a simple guide to help you out! Read
more to learn how to complete the upgrade requirements to be able to increase the production or effects of your favorite buildings. Good luck!


- Upgrading Buildings -

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Mafia Wars 2: How to Rob Rivals

?Back to Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Having problems robbing rivals in Mafia Wars 2? Here is a simple guide to show you how
to rob defeated opponents and rivals in-game! Oh! and please never do this in real life, it won't work! LOL! XD


- Rob Rivals -

Initiating a Rob
- Go to your home turf

Mafia Wars 2: Character Stats Guide

?Back to Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Mafia Wars 2 character stats is a little bit confusing because it has two different
divisions. Primary stats determines the base strength of your character while Secondary stats enhances your Primary attacks and defenses honing your character's uniqueness.



Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mafia Wars 2: Beginner's How to Play Guide

?Back to Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Want to learn how to play Mafia Wars 2? Read on to learn the basics of the game.
Simple moving and collecting; Missions overview; Customizing home turf and character's equipments; and finally Fight Mode! Last man standing wins!


- Game Navigation -


Friday, October 14, 2011

Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Guides List

?Play The Game on Google+

Here is a complete list of all Mafia Wars 2 tips, tricks and guides that players can find here at List might also include other posts related to the game like major news or updates, F.A.Q.s, game fixes and more.


- Basic Tips and Info -

Beginner's How to Play Guide
- Guide

Mafia Wars 2 Tips, Tricks and Info

?Back to Mafia Wars 2 FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Here are some tips, tricks and info for Mafia Wars 2. If this is your first time to play this
game, refer here first to learn the basics: Mafia Wars 2: Beginner's How to Play Guide Use any means necessary to rise up, get revenge, and build your criminal empire in the seedy underbelly of Las Vegas.


Wild Ones - Playdom's Online Game

Online Game: Wild Ones
- Publisher: Playdom
- Facebook/Google+ Game Application
- Action and Arcade / Shooter / Online Browser Based Social Game

Refer below to learn more about Wild Ones' Gameplay and Battle Play Features.

- Click Link Below to Play Now! -

Play Wild Ones on Facebook
Play Wild Ones on Google+

Browse Wild Ones FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Wild Ones: Winning All Battle Modes Guide

?Back to Wild Ones FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Having trouble winning certain battle modes? Here are some tips, tricks and info on how
to win or get 1st place in Wild Ones' Battle Modes. Read more below to learn about the game's multiplayer battle modes and become the last man standing!


- Battle Modes -

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wild Ones: Pets with Chow Guide

?Back to Wild Ones FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Almost all pets can be played without limitations, examples are pets that can be bought
by Coins. While some pets are limited mainly because they have an exceptional stats making the game imbalanced. Learn more below.


- What is Chow? -

- Chow is like limiter.

MapleStory Adventures: Home Space Guide

?Back to MapleStory Adventures FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

MapleStory Adventures has been updated to a new version! Players now have their own
Home space that can be visited by clicking the Home icon. Read more to learn what new features player's can enjoy!


- Home -
To access your Home from the World Map, click the Home

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wild Ones FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Guides List

?Play Wild Ones on Facebook or Google+

Here is a complete list of all Wild Ones tips, tricks and guides that players can find here at List might also include other posts related to the game like major news or updates, F.A.Q.s, game fixes and more.


- Basic Tips and Info -

Wild Ones Beginner's Guide

Wild Ones: Ultimate Medals Achievements Guide

?Back to Wild Ones FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Here is a guide for Wild Ones' Achievements or Medals. Complete all series of medals to
get all the treats that you need. Refer here to learn how to complete them all! Collect and share you bragging rights now!


- How to Get Medals -

At first, getting all

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wild Ones Tips, Tricks and Info

?Back to Wild Ones FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Here are some Tips, Tricks and Information for gamers playing Wild Ones on Facebook or
Google+. Refer here to learn the basic and advanced game navigation and battle strategies. Dominate your enemies on every battle modes and become the last man standing!


- Gameplay

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Wild Ones Beginner's Guide

?Back to Wild Ones FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Here is a guide for all beginners playing Wild Ones! Learn the basics of maneuvering and
aiming to quickly outlast your enemies in game. Be the top dog in this ultimate free online browser game!


- Beginner's Maneuver Guide -

How to Maneuver your Pet


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

MapleStory Adventures: How to Get Into or Out of Sky Scraper

?Back to MapleStory Adventures FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

It seems I am still getting this kind of question, specially from beginners. To help out,
Refer here to learn how to get into or out of MapleStory Adventures' Sky Scraper Location!


- Find Irene -

- Irene is the NPC responsible for transporting you in or out of Sky

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

MapleStory Adventures Hire Multiple Friends

?Back to MapleStory Adventures FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

A new skill has been added that allows you to hire more friends at the same time. This
is a very good chance to boost up your own level because now, players can get more energy per hires! It will greatly reduce your grinding time as well!


- Heart Level -

To be

Monday, October 3, 2011

MapleStory Adventures Gear Enchantment Guide

?Back to MapleStory Adventures FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Cool pic eh? Yep, this is a MapleStory Adventures guide for gear enchanting. Refer
here to learn how to enchant your gears and hone them to your character's needs. Get more out of your gear!


- Gear Enchanting -

Alberich the Enchanter
- Visit Alberich the Enchanter

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Download DotA Ringtones, WAV and Music

Dota Ringtones Killing Tones - Here is acollection of Dota Ringtones ready for download and waiting to pimp up your mobile phones. Collect all 13 ringtonesmostly consist of dota killing tones like First Blood, Unstoppable, Godlike, Wicked Sick, Mega Kill, Beyond Godlike, Killing Spree, Dominating, Triple Kill, Double Kill, Rampage, Ultra Kill, and Monster Kill. Have fun and enjoy playing Dota and playing these ringtones! We will update this page for more ringtones.

Download links:

First Blood
Wicked Sick
Mega Kill
Beyond Godlike
Killing Spree
Triple Kill
Double Kill
Ultra Kill
Monster Kill

DotA 2 Beta Key Contest: PlayDota U-Photo's Dota 2 Beta Key Contest

The growth of DotA, into the massive community that it is today, is because of all the loyal fans who have, time and again, shown their dedication and support over the course of so many years. We are going to gradually start a series of contests to reward some of you with early access to the game. The first one is detailed below.

PlayDotA U-Photo Submission

In this contest, you are required to take a photograph of yourself holding a sign that reads "Dota 2" and your " Username" in any creative fashion (interesting, wild, weird, funny, strange, conceptual or any other adjective you see fit) you can.

The primary target is to ensure that your photo reflects your love for DotA and give us an idea what it means to you.

Rules and Regulations:

  • All images should be above 600x400 px in size. Images smaller than the mentioned size will not be considered.
  • You are allowed to submit only one entry. Multiple ID submissions will lead to a disqualification.
  • You are allowed edit your submission until 48 hours from the time of your submission. No edit is allowed after the deadline is hit.
  • Do not heavily edit your images digitally. You are allowed to do some basic fixes like contrast, brightness and etc but anything which has been manipulated far from original will be disqualified.
Contest Dates:
Begins: 12:00 AM GMT -8, September 21, 2011
Ends: 11:59 PM GMT -8, September 27, 2011
  • 12 Dota 2 Keys are up for grabs in this first contest. 6 winners will be chosen by the PlayDotA Staff and each winner will be rewarded with 2 beta keys that they can share with their friends.

So what are you waiting for? Get started on the planning.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) How many photos may I enter?
A) Only one entry per member.

Q) How much photo editing may I use?
A) The only photo editing allowed will be minimalistic such as lighting. Any major changes will not be allowed. If you are unsure then do not edit the submission.

Q) Can other people be in my submission photo?
A) Yes you may have as many as you like. However you need to be in there and you need to be holding the sign displaying "DotA 2" and your "PlayDotA username".

Q) Do I have to be literally holding a sign?
A) If you can think of a creative other way to include the 2 requirements it will most likely be accepted.

Q) Where do I send/attach/upload the photo
A) Please use the dedicated photo submission thread that you can post an entry and can attach your photo to. No other posts must be made in that thread.

Q) Will you accept private photo submissions?
A) No. All photo submissions must be made in the dedicated photo entrant thread. We do it publicly to allow member critique and discussion. All discussion is to be kept in the original announcement thread.

Q) Am I allowed to post a gif or photo series?
A) No, this is a still frame photo competition, not a movie or story competition.

Q) Can staff enter?
A) Staff may enter but they cannot win.

Q) How will winner be decided?
A) There will be multiple staff members choosing the winners to give a well rounded assessment.

Q) But what about us die hard fans who have supported the game forever?
A) There are other ways to get a beta key coming very shortly. This is just the first.

Q) Are the PlayDotA staff just trolling us?
A) Maybe the best troll post ever! Or you could actually win a beta key.

Q) I submitted my photo in the correct thread but its not showing up!
A) You are more than likely a member with very few posts. As a safeguard against spam bots all new posts of these members need to be approved. Your entry will not be affected and your post will be approved within a short time.

Download DotA 2

DotA 2 is having a U-Photo competition to get 12 beta keys. if you are the lucky one of them download dota 2 here:

Coming soon!

Coming soon!

Comung soon!

for the contest rules and mechanics go here:

The Sims Social: Missing or Disappearing Items and Rooms

?Back to The Sims Social FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

Here are some frequently asked questions from players about missing items like gifts, free
and purchasable game items. Disappearing rooms along with it's doors and windows. Refer here to find solutions on your problems.


- Lost Room and Game Items -

- I've lost my room

Saturday, October 1, 2011

MapleStory Adventures: How to Post Requests as Links

?Back to MapleStory Adventures FAQ, Tips, Tricks and Strategy Guides List

This is a simple MapleStory Adventures F.A.Q. guide on how to get shared or published
links from your game via Facebook Wall. Refer here to instantly finish your quest requests by asking help beyond your friends!


- The Steps -
- First, enter the game and access your