Friday, August 16, 2013

Amumu Skill Order Sequence Build

Skill Sequence

Spiderman over walls with Bandage Toss,  Curse of the Sad Mummy with tears, then  Bandage Toss for an easy stun and gap closer. You can face away from where you bandage to throw them off (FADEAWAYBABY!).

When ganking before 6 dont use  Bandage Toss until you have to. You can usually just walk up to someone and hit them with red buff because they are trying to juke you. Once you get the slow off hitting bandage is easier.

For me these are the only real summoners to take on Amumu if you're jungling. They're simply the best options. Flash allows for better  Curse of the Sad Mummy engages and also gives you a reliable escape when its up. All the other summoners are less versatile and reliable. Smite is simply because you are a jungler. No other combination is viable on jungle Amumu.

If you must lane Amumu,  Ignite and  Exhaust are decent secondary summoners after flash.

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